Muñoz & Associates

Social Security

We are a group of associated lawyers who offer among their legal services the resolution against social security whether you are an employer or a worker. 

Frequent inquiries about Social Security: 

  • Setting up and registration of companies
  • Registration and deregistration
  • Worker data variations
  • Social security contribution
  • Collection and recovery of social security contributions
  • Presentation to contests

Trabajamos con diversos tipos de situaciones ante regímenes especiales, entre los que encontramos funcionarios públicos, trabajadores por cuenta propia o ajena y funcionarios civiles y militares. Podemos resolver cualquier problema con la Tesorería de la Seguridad Social, cotizaciones o cuotas, altas y bajas. 

We can also advise you if you need a professional on company law, where we can help you in the right of incorporation of companies, such as limited or anonymous. Any doubts they may have about the Creditors' Insolvency Law or everything related to the commercial code or commercial law.

No dude en enviarnos sus dudas o consultas y nos pondremos en contacto con usted lo antes posible.

    Cómo llegar

      C/Ángel Ganivet, Nº3, Piso 2º izquierda, CP 18009 Granada

    •   Adrián Muñoz Castellano
    •   C/Ángel Ganivet, Nº3, Piso 2º izquierda, CP 18009 Granada
    •   697 559 585
    •   Horario Lunes a Viernes: 09:00 a 14:00 y 17 a 19
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